Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Following the Signal

When you feel an authentic pull from your center to move in a certain direction, go! It doesn’t matter that you can't see the entire picture; how all the details play out.

It's rare that we know exactly how our endevors will unfold. Inspiration normally doesn't come with a detailed flow chart mapping every twist and turn (although it does happen sometimes).

Failing to act on our inner calling because of a lack of information is one of the many ways we clutch to a conditioned "safe place."

When excuses arise, penetrate them lovingly with your wisdom sword. Reveal what is behind. Find out if it is true to move forward, or not. Maybe you honestly don't know. This is viable, too.

Answering your own question without self-deception is what counts. Old friends, mentors, and the ancient practice of divination (Yijing, in the Chinese tradition) can be most insightful.

It boils down to this: Can we embody what we are, without being confused by false ambition or fearful reluctance.

If it's true to step into your vision, fear may still be biting at your heels. Don't retreat; don't belligerently charge. Instead, step forth with keen attentiveness, and inner sensitivity to changing conditions.

If you lose the signal, stop. Breathe. Stay open to non-knowing.

No rush.

Vision will resume; a magnetic pull will emerge again. When it does, proceed mindfully, without fixation on results.

What a delight!

To be fully engaged in the process of walking unabashedly into the unknown territory of each new moment...

This is fulfillment unto itself.

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